All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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1 book by Leia Worthington

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The Legend of Bold Riley
by Leia Worthington
From the Northwest Press website: "Leia Weathington’s sword-and-sorcery epic The Legend of Bold Riley is illustrated by Leia and a host of talented artists. “Who is Bold Riley?” you might ask. She has hunted the wildest game and dallied with countless beautiful girls, but still longs to know the world beyond the city walls. Princess Rilavashana SanParite, called Bold Riley, leaves behind her station and sets out to travel through distant lands and find forgotten ruins, fearsome enemies, inscrutable gods and tragic love. She’s as capable with a sword as she is with her wits—man, does she carve things up when the need arises—and is a strong, beautiful, confident woman who doesn’t wear a bikini into battle. And she always gets the girl!"
lesbian Indian princess
setting, lesbian, queered culture,, race South Asian 2012 Adult

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